17th October 2021 - 24th October 2021 | South Africa
Fvg (#202)
TEAM TIME:  00:59:19.7
71  OF 291
Grand Masters
6  OF 50

Mtn Bike 00:59:19.3 21.0km

Location Split Race Time Pos Div Speed/Pace TOD
P-Start 00:00:00.0 00:00:00.0 - - - / - 09:00:03
CP2 00:16:17.7 00:16:17.7 67 6 11.04 / 05:25 09:16:21
CP4 00:21:49.1 00:38:06.9 68 6 6.87 / 08:43 09:38:10
CP5 00:11:46.6 00:49:53.5 53 6 25.47 / 02:21 09:49:56
Prologue 00:09:25.8 00:59:19.3 97 7 31.81 / 01:53 09:59:22

Fvg's Members

Name Representing
Michele GALLINA (#202-1) ITA |
Loris TOMAT (#202-2) ITA |