27th July 2008 | Sydney, NSW, Australia

The Bay Run (2008)

The Scots College
TEAM TIME:  01:43:21
17  OF 40

The Scots College's Members

Pos Name Gun Time Net Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos) Net Pos Net Category Pos Net Gen Pos
1 Jason HALL (#216) 00:23:16 00:23:15 5 15-29 (4) Male  (5) 0 0 0
2 Dylan DUDLEY (#149) 00:25:21 00:25:20 14 15-29 (7) Male  (14) 0 0 0
3 Tom HURLEY (#250) 00:25:28 00:25:27 17 15-29 (9) Male  (17) 0 0 0
4 Sebastian LANE (#282) 00:29:16 00:29:13 88 15-29 (27) Male  (82) 0 0 0